Program for Research on International Migration

The University of California at Irvine is a leading university in the study of international migration. UCI has arguably the most scholars of international immigration in the United States and probably the world. Spanning multiple disciplines in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine and Physical Sciences, UCI actively contributes to understanding international migration in virtually all aspects of academic and human life. A partial list of these scholars is listed below.

The Program for Research on International Migration (PRIM) includes the large subset of UCI’s immigration scholars that carry out CPIP’s mission in population, inequality and policy research. Specifically, PRIM’s purpose is to stimulate, plan and carry out research on migration and immigration. In order to encourage and help develop multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary research projects, the Program sponsors a number of activities, including meetings to discuss ideas for future research projects, “brainstorming” and information sessions about research funding opportunities, presentations of research findings and work in progress, seminars by both UCI and external speakers, and workshops and conferences.

Examples of current or recent projects include studies examining:

  • how immigration policies structure the lives of undocumented immigrants and their citizen family members (Enriquez)
  • why some states make national citizenship accessible and others do not, and whether democratic pressure pushes states towards inclusion (Goodman)
  • the immigration-crime nexus and considers the impact of immigration-related policy on immigrants, immigrant families and immigrant communities (Kubrin)
  • the disparate impacts of extreme wildfire events on undocumented Latino/a and Indigenous migrants (Mendez)
  • how immigration status affects health outcomes among immigrant groups (Ro)
  • The nature and extent of multiple kinds of incorporation among various second- and later-generation groups (Telles)


Scholars contributing to PRIM use a variety of methods to conduct their research. A subset conduct research aligning with the efforts of scholars who are affiliated with the Center for Population, Inequality, and Policy (CPIP). To learn more about CPIP, see the About webpage.  

Frequently Asked Questions for University Employees About Possible Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property




Edward E. Telles




Vellore Arthi
Catherine Benamou
Susan Bibler Coutin
Anke  Biendarra
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Alex Borucki
Belinda Campos
Anita Casavantes Bradford
Leo Chavez
Yong Chen
Louis DeSipio
Laura Enriquez
Christopher Fan
Rachel  Goldberg
Sara Wallace Goodman
Kaaryn Gustafson
Alein Haro-Ramos
Joseph Jeon
Laura Hyun Yi Kang
Andre  Keiji Kunigami
Claire Kim
Eleana Kim
Charis Kubrin
Annie Lai
Génesis Lara
Jerry Won Lee
Stephen Lee
John M. Liu
Lilith Mahmud
Mirian Martinez-Aranda
Mary McThomas
Michael Mendez
Kristine Molina
Brittany Morey
Walter Nicholls
Brenda Nicolas
Emily Owens
Isabela Quintana
Nasrin Rahimieh
Maria Rendon
Annie Ro
Christofer A. Rodelo
Nancy Rodriguez
Rocío Rosales
Kamal Sadiq
Catherine Sameh
Sandra Simpkins
Edward E. Telles
Katie Tinto
Rodolfo David Torres
Carolina Valdivia Ordorica
Georges Van Den Abbeele
Irene Vega
Adriana Villavicencio
Samantha Vortherms
Judy Wu


Graduate Students


Elliott Alvarado
Shannon Bae
Jennifer Barajas
Reiya Bhat
Tauhid Sayeed Bin Kashem
Carlo Chunga Pizarro
Victoria Ciudad-Real
Maira Delgado Laurens
Suchen Ding
Josefina Espino
Nasim Fekrat
Brian Joseph Flores
Jose Jesus Gutierrez
Peng Huang
Michael Huynh
Sofia Jaime
Orlando Lara
Woo Jung (Amy) Lee
Mariana Magana Gamero
Alyssa Martin
Caroline Martinez
Vicente Mata
Geidy Mendez
Celina Morales
Martha Arhemi Morales Hernandez
Julybeth Murillo
Edward Kenneth Lazaro Nadurata
Jahaira Pacheco
Guillermo Paez Gallardo
Jenniffer Cecilia Perez Lopez
Danielle Puretz
Kelley Riffenburgh
Jozef Callán Robles
Homa Sadri
Maryam Salehi
Maribel Sandoval Contreras
Mohammad Amaan Siddiqui
Jessica Taghvaiee
Jessica Torres Baker
Jennifer Vasquez
Mariela Villalba Madrid